“Heal the world, make it a better place”!

Healing summit  with a panel of people at Hablis Hotel Chennai

“When the winds of change blow, some build walls and others build windmills”! World over, a bunch of ‘others’ who are committed individuals and visionaries, taking a less travelled path to build these ‘windmills’ of progressive change. It is conventionally believed that profit and service will never go hand in hand. Becoming a successful business yet ‘doing something good’ for the society and environment is thought as beyond the bounds of possibility, provided we live in a world where, ‘exploiting becomes essential to innovate and produce, whether it is natural resources or human labour!

The mad run to maximise profit and become the monopoly of the corporate world appears to have come from two sources; the conservative greed and an inadequate explanation of the causes of business success. This is resulting in such business practices, which are not only ecologically disastrous and socio-economically unfair but also indirectly promoting parochial values at an individual level in the bargain to capture the consumer market. This market orientation is visible in the attitude of a typical modern consumer. A generous consumer of a ‘civilised world’ is often seen to be stringent at building bonds and remains a stranger to a neighbour for years. In this era of advanced information and communication technologies, we are connected in every way, yet ‘disconnected’ with our dear ones. The adulterated mind is inventing techniques to adulterate food, where profit is put ahead of health. In this context, restoring human values and living in harmony with oneself, nature and each other gains importance not just to contribute to the environment or society but also to find a ‘meaningful self’ within oneself.

A woman speaking at the healing summit - Hablis Hotel Chennai
Two women interacting at the healing summit - Hablis Hotel Chennai

Though the early capitalism was built exclusively on the theory that people start businesses to solely pursue self-interest, modern capitalism was redefined otherwise by Adam Smith, the founding father of modern capitalism, in his famous book, ‘The Theory of Moral Sentiment’. He emphasised ethics, based on our ability to empathise with others and care about their opinions. Basing this, a conscious leadership emerged which is motivated not only to achieve the firm’s higher purpose through value creation but also understands the significance of social responsibility for a business to thrive holistically. ‘Hablis Hotel’ in Chennai is one such firm which is constantly engaged in experimenting how the ‘H’ in the hospitality can be redefined to connote ‘health’ and ‘holistic’ and has adopted business practices to promote ‘Holistic Health’.

Hablis believes that ‘holistic health and wellbeing’ sprouts by striking a perfect harmony between mind, body and social wellbeing. Hence, the hotel thinks the hospitality industry can actually promote preventive care through food, stay and space for gathering that focuses on healing of mind, body and promote an active social life which is embedded with mindfulness, leading to holistic transformation. This is precisely why the Hablis Hotel Chennai, which is one of the top business hotels in Chennai, is part of a global communion ‘The Healing Hotels of the World’, which nurtures a global healing business community.

‘The healing hotels of the world’ (HHW) unite the best and most advanced hotels and resorts in the field of holistic health under one umbrella.  The initiative started drawn by a personal experience of transformation by staying in one such healing hotels in India by the founding team. HHW believes these hotels are not only a business but also change agents who bring meaningful transformation in the lifestyle of people. This initiative draws significance as globally there is an awakening to embrace more sustainable and more compassionate lifestyle and there is a passion for healing. 


Along with introducing healing hotels to the global audience, HHW also organises programs to nurture, promote and further the message of healing and holistic well-being. ‘Healing Summit’ conducted every year in Germany is one such communion of responsible business community. It is a two-day conference that addresses multiple aspects of a happier, socially more just, environmentally sustainable and fulfilling human presence on this planet. The healing summit of 2017 is being held from March 6 to 7 in Berlin under the theme ‘Building Global Healing Business Community.

People gathered at Healing summit - Hablis Hotel Chennai

The speakers and delegates, ranging among others from scientists, economists, business leaders, hoteliers, to holistic health practitioners and healers, inspire and provide tangible action points for personal life, for professional life and for businesses in making them more meaningful. Some of the members from the Panel of speakers for the current event include Valerie Smaldone, Journalist, Hemant Kanoria, Chairman and MD of Srei Infrastructure Finance Limited, Stella Photi, Founder and MD of Wellbeing Escapes, Dr. Tanya Pergola, Social Psychologist, Anni Hood, Founder and CEO of Wellness Business Consultancy. 

Walking the talk, The HEALING SUMMIT will focus on one charitable foundation, and this year € 50 from each registration fee will go to benefit ‘Nadia’s Initiative’. Founded by Nadia Murad, a survivor of the ISIS genocide inflicted upon the Yazidi community in Iraq, Nadia’s mission is to help women and children victimized by genocide, mass atrocities and human trafficking, heal and re-build their lives and communities. 

In every era, there have been many individuals, institutions, forums which emerge addressing contemporary challenges humanity faces and restore the world with modern, progressive and futuristic solutions, turning away from old-school thoughts. The Healing Summit is one such platform worth exploring, which facilitates one to not only shape up personal developmental goals leading to holistic transformation but also helps businesses to realise the foundations of successful business which lie in People, Planet and Profit!


March 2025